Jonathan Rea Bergelar Bangsawan Kerajaan Inggris, Lantaran Raih Ini

Joni Lono Mulia - Rabu, 22 November 2017 | 19:00 WIB

Jonathan Rea dan istri menunjukkan bintang jasa atau gelar bangsawan Inggris, setelah mengolek 3 titel juara dunia WSBK (Joni Lono Mulia - )

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Mau nggak mau, Jonathan Rea mesti tampak rapi mengenakan baju resmi, yaitu  jas. 

Jonathan Rea nggak sendiri di acara tersebut, dia didampingi sang istri. 

Oh ya, sejak penganugerahan bintang jasa atau gelar kebangsawanan Kerajaan Inggris itu, nama Jonathan Rea bertambah gelarnya menjadi Jonathan Rea, MBE. 

Selamat atas penghargaan berkelas dari Kerajaan Inggris buat Jonathan Rea. ( 


It was an incredible experience to receive the MBE today from The Duke of Cambridge. The ceremony at Buckingham Palace was so nice and something I will remember forever. To be with so many other amazing people, in those surroundings, receiving their own Honours was really special. Being awarded this award outside of my sport it's makes me so proud of what I have achieved and to also be held in the same esteem as Joey Dunlop and Carl Fogarty means an awful lot to me. I was really lucky to be joined by my wife Tarsh and Mum and Dad in the audience to witness the presentation. They have been so supportive of everything I have done and achieved so I am super happy that they can be part of this day as well.

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