Gaya Nikung Lolipop Ini Bikin Ketawa, Eh, Ternyata Dijelasin Serius

Iday - Jumat, 1 Desember 2017 | 15:05 WIB

Gaya nikung 'lolipop' (Iday - )

Beranjak dari jok dengan pinggang fleksibel dan menurunkan lutut.

Hasilnya sebuah keselarasan dan garis yang lurus dari lutut sampai ke helm.

Gaya ini buat rider yang suka menaklukkan tikungan cepat. 

Dan menurut pengalaman saya, ini salah satu yang paling banyak dilakukan cewek.

IG @dasilvadaracer
Penjelasan soal gaya nikung lolipop

dasilvadaracer*dj Kahled voice* ANOTHER ONE

The lollipop knee drag is better suited for shorter riders, however it requires slightly higher skill level. As demonstrated by me in the image, the goal of this drag is to lean the bike as much as possible while still having maximum view of the road, and get this: the lollipop drag allows you the most grinding of the knee on the ground for the gram! You’ll be changing pucks like you change underwear ???????? (get sparky ones) the goal is to engage your triceps and straighten your arms as much as possible, get off the seat with a forward hip flex and reach of the knee (try to kiss the bar end with your knee). That will result in a sick lean and perfect straight line from your knee all the way up along your spine to the helmet. This style is for the riders who like to carry lots of corner speed, and from personal experience this one is the biggest hit with the ladies ???? that’s it - tutorials are done! Enjoy ???????? #wedoitforthegram